Where are all the beginner tutorials??


I just downloaded Blender 2.23 but is confused by all the buttons and options. I tried to find some beginner tutorials but without success. There seem to be many intermediate and advanced tutorials but none for beginners, especially when the official site doesn’ t offer then anymore. Can you point me to somekind of beginner guide or somethin to start off?

thnx in advance

Hi nutshell,

Welcome to the world of blender!

here`s a file i made to help get the new people started:


if your using windows, just unzip the file to your desktop
and drag the file onto the blender icon to open.

hope this helps


this one got me started



The 2 previous posts just gave you the best beginner tutorials. Here are some Viewlett tutorials that are pretty good for beginners.


If you have some cash, I would really recommend buying The Blender Book. It is still stocked in a lot of bookstores and should be availablle at Amazon and B&N.com.

If you are just getting started, I strongly suggest getting the Blender 2.0 manual. The tutorials are great for learning how to do certain things, but don’t really teach you how to use the program. If you want to know “what all those buttons do” you have to read the books. You’ll learn alot faster. I’ve only been using it for a couple of weeks, myself.




I like your render, but it needs junk around, a coffee cup, piles of junk in the shelfs (different size boxes, etc…)

I’m trying to put up as many of the tutorials from the Blender site herehttp://WWW.INGIEBEE.COM as I can

Also, Dale just reminded me about archive.org, where you can pull up some really great tutorials, here: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.blendermania.com

I was so happy to see a backup of Blendermania (its been down for a while, no?), especially the barry bonds pollygon face tutorial, and there were a few more there that i hadn’t gotten around to doing, but wanted to.
Thank you so much for posting that, cheers!!! :smiley:


Yes, I was also happy Dale, or H@dj, posted it somewhere else here. That’s how I found it again, too.

A couple were not backed up, though. I wish I had them too. Especially the transparencies one. :frowning: Oh well, so much is there, it’s hard to complain!