Where are the Billboard and Halo controls in Blender 2.41?

I am trying to make a few textured planes face the camera at all times, so that they can represent distant space nebula and atmospheric clouds. I have looked through a number of posts on the forum about how Blender can make planes into billboards and halos, but it remains unclear to me exactly where these controls are on Blender’s interface or hotkeys.
If someone could set me straight on this admittedly noobish question, that would be great. Thanks in advance.

They’re in the UV face select mode. Under the UV options.

Could you (or anyone else reading this) be more specific, I am still not sure exactly what you mean. A quick walkthrough of the steps I need to do would be very helpful (example, after going to UV face select mode, go to blank panel, or use blank key to toggle the UV menu, etc.)

I don’t know what you mean by “halo”. But I can tell you how to get an image on a plane.


I see the topic of billboards on this site so much that I’m personally tired of answering it, so I wrote a tutorial. You can find it here:


All of the graphics aren’t there yet, but I think I did a fairly good job of describing the process (and then some) and you should be able to complete the tutorial without them. If anyone finds problems with the tutorial please let me know!

For some reason this site doesn’t seem to like internet explorer 7, so if you’re using that then you may not be able to view the few images that are there.

nice site, baby! want to port that into the wiki?

That’s fine, but I don’t have all the images up there yet, been to lazy and intrested in other things. Just spent about 9 hours trying to answer this post in a way that every compositing noob can understand:


Would you mind reviewing it for me? I’m not so good at writing.

Yeah, I’ve got a lot of free time on my hands right now, lost my career for refusing to bow to nazi power, so if anyone has any sugestions / job opportnities, I’m all ears.