Where do I get the Size and vertex information

I’m migrating from SoftImage to Blender, and in SoftImage you could press return and it would give the size of the object as well as the X/Y/Z faces of the object as well, to lower or raise the resolution of an object.

Where do I get this information in Blender 2.8

The size is in the Properties shelf right under Scale. It is called Dimensions.
Vertex, face and similar info get in the info editor whichis usually at the top, the same editor that has File, Render, Window and Help.
You get the total count in object mode and individual count in edito mode.

Thanks for the reply.

I’m getting that as well, I just had to implement the side menu.

It isn’t perfect though - I would like to see more sliders for things like Torus, so you can make it thicker, etc, etc, etc, but I can work with it now at least.

you can change the scale or dim of an object
but not the mesh data which has to be changed in edit mode only!

blender does not have parametric objects !

happy bl