Where is collection Selectabillity?

There used to be a little arrow toggle besides every collection to decide if it’s selectable or not I’m not sure if this is just for me but in the last couple of releases I couldn’t find it anywhere and it’s really annoying especially when there’s an older blender file (2.79 for example) which has some collections that are not selectable and when I append them to the newer blender 2.8 I can’t set it back to selectable.

Check your filter button in the outliner, by default, only viewport visibility is active, but all the other options are in the filter, you simply need to activate them.

THANK YOU!!!, never knew the outliner had a filter my life is going to be 10 times easier now

I’m guessing, if you set these fileters up, save settings and save this setup as your startup file, they will always be there for creating new scenes.

yeah, I was just doing that ,Thank god they’re finally freezing the UI