hi all
in blender 2.49 in the Ipo Curve Editor i can open the Ipo Type DropDown menu and select other things to be animated like Fluidsim(if the object has fluid simulation modifier) then create a curve for what i want to animate like Fac-Time or Gravity or viscosity
the problem is i can’t access most of this things in the Blender2.55 graph editor
if any one can help i will be greatfull i need to animate the Fac-time Property in blender2.5
thx in advance :o
Since you can animate just about anything the list would be extremely long. Just right mouse click on any parameter and select ad keyframe. This channel will then be visible in the graph editor.
Watch these videos for an explanation. http://blenderlabrat.blogspot.com/2010/09/249-25-migration-animation.html
thanks very much for your help , but the problem is not solved yet
there is some parameter i can’t find it in the interface it’s on the list in blender 2.49 like Fac-time on the fluid simulation(Controlling the stimulation speed in fluid simulation) or the Speed parameter of any path object
i used both curves for making this vid “www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoqYgZBbdQg”
i used the Fac-Time ro freeze the fluid for some time while moving the camera around it
i used the speed on the path to control the camera movement speed along the path (I’m using the Flow path constraint)
I’ve seen the vids on the link u posted they were very useful to me but did’t help me to solve this problem
thx again
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing, that whole button is just gone. XD