Hello everyone,
I’m having a problem with the UV mapping in Blender. For the last hour or so, I’ve been laying out the UV maps of one of my models by using the “snap” function to align the vertices with the grid that showed up in the UV window (it’s like a grey square cut up with lots of equally spaced black lines). However, after a break I’ve loaded up Blender and for the life of me I can’t seem to get this grid to show. I can show the “UV test grid” (chequer board image with + symbols in the centre of each square - which I can only get to show up when I choose “new image” which is kind of annoying), and I can make it completely black (which is completely useless to me - and again I can only do that when choosing “new image”) but what I would REALLY like is just to show the original grey square with the black lines that the “snap to grid” function makes the vertices snap to.
Guys I’m really frustrated at this because a lot of the models that I’m currently trying to texture require equally spaced vertices and without this grid I simply have no way of knowing if the vertices are equally spaced or not. So… how do I get this grid to appear again???