Where is the initial scatter tree, and where are the greyed out objects?


i dont understand where the collection object (tree) for the particle trees is?

why is it, and other objects greyed out, where are they (see screenshot) ?

its from the demo scenes https://download.blender.org/demo/test/pabellon_barcelona_v1.scene_.zip

completely lost…

thanks for help!


tree_scatter_plane.blend (4.9 MB)

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In Outliner’s Orphan Data there are two collections: chair and lotus_plant, they are not used in file but have been set to have fake user. Uncheck fake user if these are not needed in file and click Purge.
And the tree (tree_scatter object) is not linked to scene’s collection. You can make it available with this Python script:

tree_obj = bpy.data.objects["tree_scatter"]

Drag and drop the “tree” collection into Outliner > View Layer, it should link the collection (and object inside) as well… I think.

ok, cool …i think i got it… so the collection tree is not seen, because its not in the scene collection that itself is in the view layer…so if i move it into the scene collection it gets viewable and editable…


do i make something wrong? …drag from here to here… then “view layer” becomes “tree”…nothing changes. it show only “drop name”

I think what @stray means is like this:


or right click on trees and “link to scene” should work too


oh yes…so open 2 outliners —wowy— and then move it…that works.

also “link to scene” is great. …thanks a lot!

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