where is the relation settings in blender 2.49?

hi everyone.
i was watching a tutorial about the game enign. this tutorial was set in 2.5 but i’m useing 2.49. the guy said that to get an action to work in the game engin, you need to go to the relations box with the mesh selected and click the box that says object and select armature. i know the relations box excists in 2.49 because i’ve done it before but i can’t remember where it is… can someone plese help?

I would assume that would either be under the object tab or the armature tab (the armature icon looks like a stick figure last I checked).

I have not used 2.49 in a while and have not used armatures very well so I’m not completely solid on that.

i know the relations box excists in 2.49 because i’ve done it before but i can’t remember where it is… can someone plese help?

Looks to be this. Look at the tooltips to tell you what each button represents