Where is the SubSurf toggle button?

I’ve just found Blender and i’m amazed at what people can do and i want to do it too. But I’m just starting and really confused, but i’m following the tuturial about how to make a gingerbread man.
But anyway, i’m getting to the part before i see my gingerbread man in 3-d look, but i can’t find the SubSurf toggle button. Where is it? Then i set the NumButtons to 2 and then i press tab and then zkey.
Where is the SubSurf toggle button lol?

It’s the three small buttons directly to the right of the subsurf pull down menu. The one all the way to the left toggles subsurfing for rendering. The middle button turns subsurf on and off for object display. The one all the way to the right toggles it on and off for edit mode.

[edit] If you float your cursor over the buttons you’ll get little “hints” as to what the buttons do. Most buttons in the display will do this.

But i don’t see any subsurf anything??


How about here?


Tutorials have a habit of going out of date as Blender is in a constent state of improvement. But the Blender WIKI is very well maintained by a dedicated group who we have a lot to thank for.


…and while we’re at it, you might find this page useful.


thank you guys sooooo much!! thank you