Where is this light coming from?

Sorry for the double post, but as a new question came up, I thought I’d have more chance of a response with a new post.
In the pictures below, you will see when I add a plane underneath my object, it looks like there is a spotlight on it. When I moved all lamps to another layer, there is still light coming from somewhere. Any ideas how this is happening?


No clue. Check your outliner window to make sure all the lamps are accounted for.

One time, I had shift clicked the layer instead of clicking,so the object was still on the first as well as the second. Maybe the lamp, maybe the plane…

you could try turning the spec down in the green plane’s material (F5 KEY in the buttons window)

Problem could be that the lights are not all selected to emit by layer.
you might want to (a)delete and start over or f(b)ind that little lamp that emits the light:

(a) select all layers (~key) and then go to the (menu) SELECT—> by TYPE—>> LAMPS hit delete.

(b) go into the outliner, select the lamps from there, and make sure every one has that ‘layer’ button pressed -you could also try changing the color of the individual lamps to see where the light is coming from

it might also be ambient occlusion —> you can turn that off in the world settings (F8 KEY)

hope this helps

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That’s not a spot light, it’s a Lamp tor Area light that isn’t casting shadows and it’s probably sitting smack-dab in the middle of the battery which is the reason why you can’t see it (if it were an area light you’d see the line it projects though). Turn on Ray Shadow to stop your lights from casting light through other objects.

I selected all the lights and moved to another layer, then put the battery on another layer - still getting the light. I deleted and made a new plane - same problem. Ambient Occlusion is off. I have included a link to the .blend file if anyone can take a look and help figure it out. Thanks.


You’ve got four lamps. One is an area lamp. Somehow you’ve managed to make it invisible in the 3D window, which is why you can’t see it to select it and move it around. Check your outliner view.

Just a quick note for you, windoze user:

to make a screenshot of a certain (active) window, hold Alt while pressing Print Screen.


Yup, that did it. Not sure how I hid it??? Thanks.

You accidentally pressed ‘h’ (hide) while the lamp was selected. Alt+h unhides things that are hidden, as will the eye icon in the outliner view.

@Dread Knight, Ctrl+F3 will take a snapshot of the active window regardless of operating system.