Where to copyright my 3D Models and Animation.

Suppose I have developped some 3D Model and I want my copyright on it. How to go about and where? How much it will cost?
Can any one please help me.

free! just put:
this image is copyright to your name year
that it! and you cover for 20 years!

yea, thats how the images work

but if you have a large work such as a game or a movie you might wona take a visit to the copyright office, they are usualy located at your nearest supreme court (here in new york its the supreme court, district of new york), it costs about 100 buks to copyright something small and thent he pices go up from there depending on what the work is

That’s US copyright, guys, kkrawal is in India. Vitaly, you aren’t really paying for the copyright, you’re paying to register the copyright. Simply makes things easier for the lawyers if you have to sue someone for copyright violation. Copyright is created when you create the work. If you are working for hire, the person who hired you owns the copyright, if you’re working for yourself, you own it. The rest is contract law and enforcement through lawsuit.
kkrawal, you’ll probably need to consult a local attorney to get definitive answers, but jumpy-monkey’s answer is a good one: make sure anything you publish has a copyright notice on it: copyright symbol or the word “copyright”, year first published, copyright owner. Some people add “all rights reserved” because some jurisdictions require it, and they figure better safe than sorry, but I think that’s mostly old copyright law. Still, IANAL (I am not a lawyer), so if you think you might have an issue with copyright violations, consult someone who is.

If the model is important to you, then I’d suggest, like Orinoco said, to register it. Sure, it costs money but if ever someone decides to rip you off, you can sue them.
If it’s not really that important and/or not likely someone will try to steal it, then leave it be.

Charlesworth999, you misunderstand me. Unless Indian law requires it, I’m not suggesting he register his work. I am suggesting he put a copyright notice on it, if he thinks the work is worth protecting. And a copyright notice or even copyright registration isn’t worth much if copyright violations are not pursued in a vigourous and timely manner.

I may be wrong, wouldn’t be the first time, but I don’t think registration is required in order to sue for copyright violations. It certainly makes life easier for the lawyer filing the case, so lawyers obviously recommend it, but I believe all registration buys you is the presumption that you published a copyright notice every time you published the work. Without the registration you’d have to prove that with evidence. And if the defendant can prove you published without the notice, your case is in deep trouble, even with registration. Any lawyers reading this, feel free to jump in with corrections :wink: .

kkrawal seems to be interested in building an animation business and protecting his intellectual property assets should his buisiness become successful. My advice to him is to get some professional legal answers to his questions, rather than ask a bunch of hobbyists hanging out at an artist’s forum. I mean, what the hell do we know? About law, that is.

In the UK, copyright happens the moment you create the piece. Nothing is required of you and there is no way you can register it.

To aid lawsuits it would be a good idea to do a “poor mans copyright” which involves posting yourself a copy of the item in secure packaging, which can’t be tampered with and the date on the stamp (or recorded delivery) proves date of creation; aslong as it is left unopened and untampered with.

In the US, they have a copyright registration office, which intitles you to monetary damages if i recall correctly, otherwise a non-registered piece just means the copyright violator gets a slap on the wrist and is told to stop using it etc…

A copyright notice is not required by most countries, but obviously others do require it for it to be valid.

In most countries copyright lasts 50 years after death.