Where to provide feedback for daily builds

I started having an issue with cycles render, and attributed it to daily build with experimental features.
I’m happy to try and help figure out the cause, but I need to know where to post the information.

Thursday, I was basically hosed at the end of a render. I had to force quit. Now, the render says finishes, and I can continue to use blender. But the progress bar (windows) on the windows program tab, is still showing, even thought it’s at 100%. And I can’t save the image because it says you can’t save an image while rendering.

I’d love to figure this out. I’m using experimental because I want to render to CPU, and my laptop internal GPU and the external GPU. The CPU doesn’t add a ton, but it adds up in animations. This doesn’t need to be Quite photorealistically perfect. So I considered using Eevee, but I am making heavy use of Adaptive Subdivision.

OK, so back to my original question though…where is this feedback the most useful to developers? I assume they will want to make note of this, then if there are other people with similar issues, they may want system info, and some logs and such in order to figure out the root cause. With one isolated system, they aren’t going to care, but I assume they’ll want it at least logged.

First, find a way to make the error repeatable in as simple a way as possible. think default cube simple. If the bug isn’t reapeatable, it’s hard for the devs to even test if they have fixed it or not.

I’m working on it. Thursday it seemed to happen even on the startup scene. But today it’s just another scene. I’m eliminating things one set at a time to try and figure out the issue.

And Thanks for showing where to do this. I’m a bit embarrassed that I hadn’t checked help.

Just make sure it isn’t a hardware issue. Those can be tough to track down on your end, and they are impossible for the devs to track down.

Good news, bad news.
The good news is, I fixed it.
The bad news is, I fixed it by Appending the objects to a new scene. Somewhere in there, I must have just changed something somewhere along the way that was no good. I’m turning on everything I can think of that I messed with in that scene, and got nothing.

I turned denoising on, have adaptive subdivisions on. Using auto tile size.

Oh, you know what, I had something in post process. I had a slight color correction. But since it’s working ok now, it isn’t currently worth my time to go back and fix it.
I’m guessing it was just something that wasn’t very forwards compatible. Since I’m bouncing from daily build to daily build, that probably just happens occasionally.