I’m afraid this is going to be a pretty simple question, but I’ve found that when making an Armature with more than 6 bones in a chain, none of the bones above #6 show up in the list. If I select, say, #10, sometimes it shows up in the list, sometimes not. Sometimes all the buttons then disapear and have to be re-invoked by switching to vertical layout, then back to horizontal layout in the buttons panel. Now, this could be a bug, but I’m betting that it’s just some other way Blender has of displaying data that I don’t know about yet. If I select all the bones and scroll down the list or make it really small, I still can’t see any bones beyond #6, nor do I see a tab to open or anything else. The Wiki hasn’t mentioned this, at least, where I can find it, so I’m asking here…Where’s the rest of the bone list?
2.41 on Mac OS 10.4.5