Where's The Rest of the Bone List?

I’m afraid this is going to be a pretty simple question, but I’ve found that when making an Armature with more than 6 bones in a chain, none of the bones above #6 show up in the list. If I select, say, #10, sometimes it shows up in the list, sometimes not. Sometimes all the buttons then disapear and have to be re-invoked by switching to vertical layout, then back to horizontal layout in the buttons panel. Now, this could be a bug, but I’m betting that it’s just some other way Blender has of displaying data that I don’t know about yet. If I select all the bones and scroll down the list or make it really small, I still can’t see any bones beyond #6, nor do I see a tab to open or anything else. The Wiki hasn’t mentioned this, at least, where I can find it, so I’m asking here…Where’s the rest of the bone list?

2.41 on Mac OS 10.4.5

Only the bones you have selected show up in a list. If you want to see all of them, you have the stretch the window…
You can also right click on the window and select the way you want things organized…

hmmm… nevermind that is not exactly answering your question… %

I personally select the bones I want, which most of the time is just a few of the total.

Thanks for the reply! I’m just thinking of setup, when it’s easier to just run through a batch, rather than up to window, select bone, back to buttons, make altertions, back up to window, etc.