As a good Blender3D newbie I’m following the “Your First Animation in 30…” tutorial
But it seems to me it was not done with the most recent Blender version and some things have changed . So I can’t find where the “Texture Type dropdown menu” is,
See the Texture Panel in the middle above? There is a dropdown menu called Texture Type, Stucci is selected.
Well, see the new one now:
You would do much better with the 1st tutorial listed in my sig. The one you are doing should be deleted imo -it’s confusing, outdated, and mainly serves to frustrate any new users unlucky enough to find it.
Thanks Larry
I’ll have a look at your tutorial for sure.
Is there an alternative way to F6? It seems due to the double monitor setting I have many of my shortcuts (including those Fs) are no longer working.
When you select the shading icon more icons appear to the right of it. One of them is for texture buttons. It’s right next to the one for materials. (sorry no screenshot).