Which Blender book?

There is many blender tutorial books out there, and I can’t figure out which one is better. I’ve been using blender for a month now, and have the basics down and can do some decent stuff. I want to learn more about the interface and animation side of it.

Blender for dummies seems to be very hard for beginners, as the reviewers wrote, supposely you need to know the interface pretty well to use it. I wanted Blender Game Kit as a second book as well. But what would you all say is the easiest tutorial book for beginners?

The easiest Blender book in my opinion is: Blender for Dummies. It was the book that allowed me to get a good handle on the Blender interface and showed me how to actually do something in Blender. The “for Dummies” books tend to get negative reviews all across the board and despite their condescending “for Dummies” Blender for Dummies is actually a great book for both beginners and the seasoned Blender user.

The authors style is conversational and easy to understand and he actually walks you through actual steps of doing things in Blender unlike a lot of other Blender books out there.

Also: Introducing Character Animation with Blender by Tony Mullen is another good one as an introduction to animation in Blender. Mullen actually breaks animation down so that you understand how to do it and how to apply it to your own projects.

A note of caution though: The new Blender for Dummies book that will cover Blender 2.5 is coming out this May. The current Blender for Dummies only covers Blender 2.49.

Thanks I will get that one then. I Use 2.49b

If you’re after something for blender 2.5 before the next upcoming For Dummies is released, go for either of Blender Foundations or Beginning Blender, both available through Amazon.

Soooo many books

Not really. At the moment, those last two I mentioned are pretty much it for covering the basics for Blender 2.5+
More will come no doubt, though most else of what you see is Blender 2.49 and the interface is significantly different.