Which branches or essential scripts should be merged in Blender 2.6 ?

Which branches or essential scripts should be merged in Blender 2.6 ?
Which branches or scripts are stable enough to be merged?

Why did you put obviously unfinished branches into the list? For example, bmesh - years from finishing (if it will continue with only one dev).
Or unlimited clay, which we didn’t even use yet, Just a proof of concept version half a year ago.
Everything that is finished, or nearly finished should go to blender 2.6, everything else not. There can be no other way.

well here is my wish list

1 - New Nurbs tools
2 - Render Branch
3 - New Planet Texture from-farsthary
4 - Include the Micro displacement Texture which was there in first release but now gone!
5 - B mesh but Need more Devs to get involved
6 - The new Unlimited clay modifier from-farsthary

be back if i find more

1 modifications

forgot Crouch Bridge tool
but there is also his Loop tool which is quit impressive!

Thanks & happy 2.6

Ricky, unlimited clay is not a brush, it’s a modifier :wink:

You forgot the Input-device branch. I personally look forward to better use of wacom tablets and spacenavigator - also because I just got the latter :slight_smile:

But there’s so much to look forward to! I voted for all except the renderbranch (I think a render API is more important) and the mesh tools (I guess they would be better done with Bmesh).

I checked all, and I hope it was meant “after 2.6 release” then. :slight_smile:

yes of course after 2.6 :smiley:

That’s a badly constructed poll - most of those branches are supposed to be merged sooner or later. I voted for “Chromoly’s mesh tools” because it’s the only thing that qualifies as an “Addon script that should be merged”. It’s not even a branch though… And most of those arent stable enough to be merged in yet! Whether to merge or not depends only on how stable they are and not which one is voted!

Sorry for unlimited clay = modifier

also added the Crouch script for bridge and loop tools
which are great would be worth to include may be as new modifier tools

happy 2.6

Dynamic Paint belongs to Miikah and not Jahka?

What I want: Matt Ebb’s patch for camera sensor sizes! Without it it is impossible to match camera settings in blender to real world footage. The Focal lenght is dependent on the sensor size which is different on every camera.

First: Dynamic Paint Does belong to Miikah…
Second: We already know that some things like render branch integration are not happening before 2.6 and will probably happen afterwards…

Still it would be nice to see some things like the planet procedural integrated in before the final release

by the way is there an estimated date for 2.6 release ?


Hasn’t the sculpt branch already been merged?

To be honest, my knowledge of what is and what isn’t ready for merge isn’t that good.

I’d vote for the loop tool script, the Render Branch (with micropoly) and BMesh (not strictly in that order!).

After that, if they ARE ready for merging, then get them in there! :smiley:

The release date is said to be sometime around when it’s ready.

If I recall correct only the most finished/stable subset of features were merged, no?
At least one extra I think that didn’t get merged were mudbox style
viewport stencils & repeating for brushes, or something along the lines.

What about the 2 GSoC branches by Jwilkens and Nicholas, they have a lot of painting and sculpting enhancements like Ptex.

There’s also Moguri’s GSoC branch which brings very advanced GLSL API capability to the BGE as well as Nicks’ Branch which has pathfinding and NavMesh generation for the BGE.

The Unit Tests by Lief is also very complete and could be a major asset for Blender development.

All the branches I mentioned are fairly complete and a few of them are not even in the poll.

Sorry Ace Dragon, I never used the BGE; therefore i dont know what is on the way or not?

Sorry Mikaah, Dynamic paint is your baby :slight_smile:

Actually, sort of the opposite - they sort of merged prematurly which caused some headache. The sculpt branch sculpt now behaves much more nicely than the sculpt in trunk.

I think it should include the Mikah’s Dynamic Paint, is an excellent simulation and it’s finished, and the freestyle. Also I’d like to have the unlimited clay and ngons but that’s still in development