I’m looking for a free host for my website, preferably with a site builder or something because I’m useless at HTML:o
I’ve had a look at some of them, but I’m not sure which to use as certain ones have a tendancy to stop working every few days (cough cough Freewebs cough :D)
Any suggestions?
Why don’t you rather get a paid for host. It is really cheap, if you use someone like Hetzner. Their cheapest package is about $2/month. There are many other, of course. Frankly, that is almost free and you don’t have any down time, adverts or other limitation.
I’ve got a good host but they aren’t accepting any free accounts though, no ad’s, good support if needed, uhhhh limitation is the amount of quota, bandwidth is good though
but i swear to god, plase make your own pages and not rely on site builders, HTML is not at all hard to learn
There’s a nice search feature on this site. Haven’t taken the time yet to find a better host, but that’s probably where I’ll start looking.
Don’t you get a free “website” with your internet connection (have to build it yourself)? I got 50MB wich is peanuts to upload but still better then nothing from my provider. And Belgium isn’t really top of the art in internet providers…
and you can learn html basics in a day or so.
Thanks for the link Friday13:D
I think I’m going to try to get better at HTML (it’s not that I can’t do it at all, it’s just I can’t do very much with it at the moment:o). I might try CSS as well as I’m told it makes layout easier, and I’ve found a site with tutorials for both of them:)
Snelleedy: I don’t know, I haven’t really checked
No ads, no pesky side frames, direct downloads, easy to use.
If you have a gmail account, just go to www.googlepages.com , log in and start building your site.
This is mine, I like it simple:
There are several other themes to choose from.
if you eventually decide to learn html and css try www.asphost4free.com. Its good, your email address will be wwwxx.asphost4free.com/yourname. the xx is usually two numbers that are added their. There is no adds, upload time is pretty good and the webpage loads up pretty quick. Oh, and if you want that url to be shorter just go to www.8rf.com, and then you can disguise your address as www.yourname.8rf.com
Hiya. I don’t have any suggestions for web hosts, so I’d have a look at the ones above. On my McAfee Site Advisor it says that this host [http://www.asphost4free.com/] has links to a site that breaches browser security. As far as I know the site itself is OK, but if you do decide to use it, use it with caution.
hmm thats weird, I’ve had no problems so far, whatever
another one you can try is wordpress, its more for blogs, but you could customize it enough to make it just a webpage.