I am a web developer and since making websites is somehow boring I’m switching to app and game development… So I kinda finished learning python, I will start pygame and then start learning c++, openGl and vb.net (i’m good at it but i want to be sure that I’m fluent)
I like game development more than app development and who doesn’t?
I will start learning pygame but I don’t feel like I can develop powerful games using it, I don’t feel like I can develop powerful games using any python game engine…I feel like it’s only possible to create simple 3d games like and 2d games like super mario correct me if I’m wrong…
So I’m looking for a powerful free game engine where I can create first person shooter games, strategic games (like red alert) and games like san andreas (I don’t know what you call this type of games) + sports games if possible ( the games should work on pc and I won’t be said if they work on ps3 or something but my main target is pc for now) and btw I know that these games are developed using many game engines …
It will take me many years to be able to develop any game at all and I know that, I’m not living in a dream, But I want this type of game engines to practice on…I don’t want these silly softwares like yo yo game i don’t know what it’s called I want a professional and I know that I have to write code and I like that, I was going to learn c++ anyway so I will be practicing…I have began to learn the basics of c++ …
for free, but it’s not working maybe it’s too big for my pc it’s saying error and I have to send or don’t sent (you know you see this error a lot) but it’s doing so every time i open it worked once …so I’m trying to fix it but I’m looking for an alternative just in case
I have an xp 32bit sp2 I downloaded .net framework I have c++ compiler (codeblocks) python 2.5.4 and the latest pysx so i have pretty much all except for sp3 I’m not willing to download it now because the last time I tried to, it took so much time and caused many problems
I’m looking for a free game engine as I describe it above and have a small size (if possible) thank you
Panda3D is a 3D Python game engine that seems to work well and have support. I think you can install pyglet or pygame into the Python distribution packaged with the engine if you want joystick support.
Have you looked at Godot? It has a similar Python-like scripting language and is kind of like an open-source Unity-like engine. It seems like it has a lot of potential.
Games like HL2, Red Alert and San Andreas are not entirely outside BGE scope but they are well outside your scope or actually the scope of what any single person can make alone. For these games the engines are custom built from scratch because they want to shoot for the best performance in the exact thing they want to do. Meanwhile separate artists and writers work on the other areas. It’s a truckload of man hours multiplied by the amount of people working on it. It’s not something you can do on your own no matter how good you are.
Shooting for that kind of graphics is pointless at least on this stage. Even if you develop using UDK or Unity you won’t ever have the resources to output HD graphics.
Really? Half-Life 2, Red Alert, and San Andreas are all games that are within the scope of BGE? I realize that Dead Cyborg unleashed a lot of BGE’s full potential but I don’t think it has that much potential (for the three games listed) from the performance complaints I’ve read.
It’s all about how the game is programmed. If I made a game and had logic always running on every object; the game would slow down.
But you can do some serious optimization that can really make some blender games look impressive (krum for example).
I was mainly leaning toward San Andreas. I just don’t see BGE running that very well. I think the world alone would be heavy it’s a big-ass map. Maybe someone can convince me otherwise. I have SA and there are DFF importers for Blender maybe I’ll do it myself. Maybe.
EDIT: Ok, just to contribute to the thread a little. BGE is good. Really good. It can do as good as any others apparently. It’s no Unreal, but UDK has fees. Unity is a little better than BGE as well, but it has fees once you make a certain amount of money. LAME! Cryengine? I can’t say but it looks alright. But I’d say BGE because it’s free and can do a lot!
BGE would need the same bag of tricks the native engine uses. Content streaming, heavy LODding, animation/AI culling, shader magic… In the end it’s just CPU and GPU calculations that don’t care which engine/function you call them from. You just gotta use them wisely and that links to how your engine and game is built and designed. Optimization is everything for such games.
That’s because for most people that just wish to make their own clones for games they don’t want to rebuild all the usual stuff time after time. If they do something similar they just mod the original engine/game to their needs or at least use engine that has lots of core features of the genre built in (like Source engine for FPS). But re-creating those games on Blender will teach you a lot because you are forced to build each feature and solve some of the inevitable challenges resulting in much like makers of the original engine/game.
A lot (not all) of the performance complaints are just because of the fact that there are many beginners in the BGE scene. In the FPS example they’ve made the gun shoot by projecting a cube or sphere object at the end of the barrel following a tutorial. Then they want to make a minigun and complain that the hit detection is buggy and game gets laggy even though Team Fortress 2 fires minigun bullets even faster and with 32 players on the server. What they don’t know is that in TF2 the minigun bullets are not actual physical objects moving at extreme speeds but simple raycast checks that are programmed to cause appropriate events based on what they hit (for example project a decal texture to a wall and play sparks sprite on hit location or inflict damage to another player and play blood sprite there).
Graphics-wise there’s nothing that BGE can’t do compared to for example the Source engine that begins to be quite dated. Much of the glory of the engine is in the optimization in realtime as well as the production pipeline. And of course the fact that these games are filled with beautiful and detailed 3D content fueled by nothing but an immense amount of artists’ man hours and millions of euros/dollars.