Which scene will be better suited to a futuristic robot war?

Hey guys!

I need help on deciding on a set for a futuristic robot war scene to take place. I have an empty desert, and a rocky mountain.

Empty desert:

Rocky Mountain:

(just to note, both will be more detailed, the rocky mountain with trees etc, the desert with bones, scrap metal etc.)

Please let me know which will work better.

The mountain would give you more flexibility and it’d be more interesting.

I’d probably use whichever one the story line calls for…

Desert: booooring.
Mountains… if it´s not on earth, make scurrile rock formations, not somthing familiar.
If it is on earth and there as a war with robots, no matter if there are humans in them or not somthing like:

Option 3?


@arexma. This will be the first part of the robot war, before it goes into a city very much like your second image. Thanks for those images, they will help immensely for the second part. :yes:

@all thanks for your opinions. The desert does seem incredibly boring, and the mountain will give me more flexibility.

now… to refine the story.