Hi, I’m honey mooning right now with my new linux installation and the first program i want to install is Blender. Thing is on the download site it has 2 versions for each flavour of linux the static and non-static. What is the difference and which one should i download? By the way my linux installation is slackware 9.1.
Also what is the difference between the PPC and i386 flavours? Oh and i’m posting this message on my linux os
static: has OpenGL built in. (not hardware accelerated.)
Get the dynamic version.
i386: for machines with Intel/AMD processors.
PPC: for machines with PowerPC (used in IBM/Apple) processors.
Running: “uname -m -p -i” will print what CPU type you have.
The command to install a package in Slack expects a file with an extention .tar however the blender packeg has an extention .tar.gz which didn’t work when i tried to us the installpkg command. How do i uncompress to get just the .tar extention?
Don’t use installpkg with that… installpkg is only for packages that were built specifically for Slack. All you need to do is tar -zxvpf blenderfile.tar.gz, then “cp -a” the resulting directory to the location you want to run it from. (Or if you’re brave… just untar it into the location you want it to go.) It’s best left in the original directory structure in which it unpacked.
One problem you may have with Slack 9.1 is the Python thing… Slack 9.1 has Python 2.3 and the precompiled blender packages will only use Python 2.2.
I have a Python 2.3 enabled binary of blender 2.32 I built for myself… would be happy to share if you need python to work. I had to build it on a Slack 8.1 system due to gcc and glibc issues… but I’m running it on Slack 9.0… I don’t see why you couldn’t run it on 9.1. (Assuming the python versions are compatible… mine’s 2.3.3) HTH
I also just built a copy enabled for Python 2.3 under Slackware 9.1. I could probably find somewhere to upload the binary and keep it up for a few days anyway.
Hmm… I finally found your PM and replied earlier… sorry for the delay. The package I uploaded was built for k6, and I neglected to include the NLS translations. There’s a more suitable tarball here if you’re running an Intel CPU. It’s probably the most reliable if you’re running anything other than an AMD K6. Also, I uploaded a more proper k6 tarball here, just in case anyone other than me is running one of these old things, and interested.