Here’s a jar I made - with two textures. I will put more textures later. Oh yeah - there is illegal moonshine from the probihition era in there . . . so the mods will probably delete this thread. No matter, I’m just glad I am not posting this up in China.
um moonshine? what?
He means whiskey. Moonshine is a type of whiskey that was made, mostly in the southern United States, during the prohibition era.
Yeah thanks for clearin’ that up boy.
You have to get your procedurals for moonshine just right or it could kill you.
… lol. Very witty remark PneumaPilot. I hope you have more from where that came out of. Boy.
yah, I know what moonshine is, I’m just confused about what this thread is about…
my initial thought was that kbot is drunk
my recurring thought is that kbot is drunk