White Fear

Hey there fellow artists, well the work posted in this forum is light-years away from mine, anyways ill just leave my little experiment here :slight_smile:

For some time now i have been experimenting with this style, i have a whole series i update weekly at my blog if it might interest you.

Let me know what you think :slight_smile:

Looks really cool. I like the lighting. Now I’m wondering what your blog address is?

If u click on a poster’s name a little menu pops up and you’ll find a link to “homepage”.

Blog: http://ivicamefromthestars.tumblr.com/

She looks naked or has she got a skin-colour bikini?

Very good! Which technique did you used to get this low poly result? It’s modeled as it is or did you used some modifier?

thanx, yes as @JoolsMcFly said

Yep she is naked if fact, i forgot to warn about the small pixel nudity :rolleyes:

@diegoliv it was modeled directly in lowpoly, only modifiers used are displacement + noise texture for the sea and sand

Oh btw if anyone would like to suggest what scene to model next, I’m listening :smiley: