White shadeless objects in BGE

I’ve seen this problem before but never managed to fully narrow it down and I’m now trying to finish chapters of a book I’ve been writing on Blender and would like to offer a solution.

Sometimes in Blender Game Engine, where objects are coloured with a simple diffuse procedural, they come up bright white instead. What causes this (at the moment all mine are behaving so I can’t troubleshoot it) and what do users do to fix it?

maybe you’re runing it while it’s on Solid mode, and GLSL is ON :smiley:

Not quite, as it happens with only some objects, so it has to do with texturing. Oddly enough, the default cube has this problem, as can be seen in my attached file.

I’m trying to wrap up a book I’ve been writing on Blender, and this one remains a mystery to me. I’d like to offer a solution as beginners are bound to hit it (two of my editors did) rather than ignore the problem and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Yes, it is GLSL related, though I’d like to solve rather than force multitexture.


white_cube_problem.blend (62.7 KB)

The cubes look identical to me.

Usually this happens in GLSL when a object doesn’t have a mat.

Yeah - bit of a downer it looks good for you but not here. You are on GLSL shading right? I’m wondering if graphics cards can make a difference?

I’m using Blender 2.54, as the book is meant to be as up to date as it can. Something like this in any exercises is going to be an annoyance if I can’t make some suggestions to the reader.

this indeed happens when you put a material on the object and you run it while in Solid mode and GSLS, try to run it in Texture mode and it’s ok, make a material for the “new Cube” and you’ll see it goes white too…so i think the solution would be… if its GSLS put it on Textured mode

btw Excalaberr might not have a video card that supports GSLS thats why he sees them identical

Thanks - I think I’ll have that as the suggested solution for now.