White World

How do people have a completely white world but still have one little soft shadow i ask because when i try to do that i either turn on shadeless to get rid of grayness but then there is no shadows so it looks crap
or put in heaps of lamps to have the whole world white and look white but then get thousands of shadows that i do not desire
if someone gets what I’m saying please help

To get a white Background.

Goto the World Button ( the one shaped like the Earth) and you will see 6 slider buttons, the first 3 buttons are HoR, HoG, HoB and now slide them all to 1.0. The next 3 button are ZeR, ZeG, ZeB and do the same as first 3 buttons and slide to 1.0. Now your background is White. Also you might want to press the little green “Blend” as well.

To get a transparent shadow plane.

Put a plane under your character. There’s a button in the material settings that says ‘only shadow’ press that. Also you might want to reduce the alpha slider button to 0.3.

Lastly you need a shadow lamp and a few background lights.

Hubble, if you still have trouble, I’ll send you a blend file.:slight_smile:

Cheers I’ll give it a go