It has worked this way for me as well. If play on a regular basis, I can recognize certain notes when I hear them (weird…my favorite key is c#M, and I have no idea why). When the playing is more sporadic, this recognition fades.
I remember a final we had for a theory & comp class in college, where the prof was at the front of the auditorium, and played a chord progression on the piano. We had to identify all of it by ear, and indicate which inversion was used for each chord. That wasn’t easy.
It has worked this way for me as well. If play on a regular basis, I can recognize certain notes when I hear them (weird…my favorite key is c#M, and I have no idea why). When the playing is more sporadic, this recognition fades.
I remember a final we had for a theory & comp class in college, where the prof was at the front of the auditorium, and played a chord progression on the piano. We had to identify all of it by ear, and indicate which inversion was used for each chord. That wasn’t easy.[/quote]
Sounds really tough. I too, and many others seem to be able to recognize C#. I also know G so well that I sound it in my head, then go up 3 steps in my head and I have a perfect middle C!