Who needs yafray???

I saw http://www.coala.uniovi.es/~jandro/noname/gallery/previews/paradox_0001_pre.jpg in yafray 's gallery

So why not render in blender? it may be overdetailed, but I think it’s intresting :smiley:


Cya later :wink:

Beautiful. That just looks nice!! Colors, style. Simple but very nice. :smiley:

Well done.


Thats neat and all, but…

I’m just curious whats up with all the badmouthing of Yafray I’ve been seeing in these forums. Is it just good natured ribbing or is there actual animosity there?

It seems like blender’s renderer and yafray follow different philosophies, and are designed for different goals, and can coexist happily; while the new features of blender’s renderer are impressive, its still not a raytracer, it still addresses different methods, it still has a different ‘quality’ and ‘feel’.

Good render! I need both Blender and Yafray. I can render a “series” posters in Blender of a scene at 3,000x3,000 in no time at all. And I can render the same scene with photon mapping in Yafray but due to the wait I would have to use that render in a more static production. Two sides to the stone. Anyway you throw it it still makes cool ripples.

wow!!! cool BackiZ!..
It’s seems that you used a spot to make the shadow isn’t it? anyway it looks great.

Back to the AMIGA age!!! :smiley:

Nice rendering, but you should light it up more carefully! Yafray
shadows are much better (in the image)


It is good competition :slight_smile: Yafray and Blender are good friends.


They are both good. And speaking of Yafray, does anyone know how to get the caustic shadows? :expressionless:

I love YAFRay, but i also love this competition thats happening. You wouldnt have seen it a year or so ago, just goes to show how rapidly fast Blenders stock render is improving!

w00t! go blender!

  1. (puts on sunglasses)

your balls are not touching the ground or the shadow is strange.

hmm… those would look quite nice on a clockwork. or what they are called… my friend had one of those. you could see the marbles going through this rollercoaster, and then back up… mm… hypnotizing…


The only problem i see with the reflections is the reflected balls seem too far away in the reflection. It makes it seem like theyre not touching.

I think the Yafray image is still better, which comes clear when looking at he shadows and the precision of the reflections.

My suggestions to improve your image:

  1. You should increase th ClipSta Value of your spot light to get rid of the falloff problem in your shadow.

  2. Try a GI Dome with dupliverted spot lights or radiosity.

I personally don’t use yafray because it’s too slow for me as I always need previews of my lighting. But I also think there’s no competition beteween Blender and Yafray. Yafray is a great addition.

why are you guys getting so excited about a few spheres on a textured plane? :expressionless:

I really wasn’t going to say much about this thread as everyone else seemed to be saying what needed to be said, but since it has now spread to CGtalk I felt like adding my 2cents since the yafray picture that is being compared was mine I decided to comment. You can find my response here

Other than that I like the blender version and think it was well done and interesting.

Thats really cool. :smiley:

Thankx for your c&c.
I agree the balls don’t look like they are touching eachother, but in the yafray one http://www.coala.uniovi.es/~jandro/noname/gallery/data/paradox_0001.jpg don’t the balls even touch. The reflect map should just have a slightly different possition.
About the lamps, I alway set the clipsta as high as possible. But if it’s to far, I get some black coulor at the start. I just have added a new lamp and it seemed to be solved. btw, the balls do touch the ground but I don’t know why the shadow is’t always black, just behind the object.

I did some yafray test with yable, but it’s a lot more work for almost the same result. I haven’t got a textured image in yafray. Anybody who know wich button to turn on? I also have tried extractor, but he can’t handle the “import string, os, time” line. Or with blender 2.23 it just quit when playing with some buttons.
Thats why I like the simple blender render :smiley:

All this talk about a blender/yafray competition is stupid, and in terms of sheer realism, lets not kid ourselves here – Yafray wins by a country mile.

And lets give Jandro a bit of respect for his efforts with yafray – He’s been a Blenderhead longer than most of the people having this conversation…

So – not as good as yafray, but an interesting pic nontheless :smiley:

BackiZ, your pic is good but you should use radiosity for the shadows, and reflections are a bit blur.
Here is a yafray test.

yes, joe satriani is good but greg howe is the best :smiley:


Concerning the Raytracer <> Blender question, see also this Poll:
