k, a while ago i needed to uninstall Internet Explorer and i dont remember what i done but somehow i uninstalled Paint and the calculator, i need those programs now, so how would i reinstall them without restoring my comp to a previous date, also i cant find my XP disc, so we’ll have to work around that to
- You definitely don’t want Paint back.
- Whatever happened to handheld calculators?
Copy the CD from a friend. %|
well i was wanting paint back for a few simple things im not going to do anything complicated, its just nice to have and same wit the calc.
but anyways, sry i just found a way on another forum and i got it back
There are many free and/or OSS alternatives to Paint which are as simple and actually offer more.
Same goes for the calculator.
And if it doesn’t I can always send you a Java applet.
Start> control panel > add and remove programs > look down the left bar. > Add windows components.
I very much doubt you’ve uninstalled internet explorer as well.
Seeing as IE is a core part of windows…
Seeing as IE is a core part of windows…[/quote]tell me about windows explorer is pretty much IE. So to delete IE would be like cutting all your limbs off.
Seeing as IE is a core part of windows…[/quote]tell me about windows explorer is pretty much IE. So to delete IE would be like cutting all your limbs off.[/quote]
Limbs for which there is little need. I can’t wait to get a Power Mac.
Macs arent perfect by any means, ask this guy http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6553260189868317794
k, i got it back like 10 minutes after i made the topic so we dont need anymore of that, but thx anyway, i dont need any other paint substitutes, i have about 4 as it is, and i was told that it wouldnt do any harm deleting I.E. since i have firefox as my main browser, my mistake i guess
oh and mastersword, what is that program that looks like the mac dashboard
You seriously haven’t deleted internet explorer. Its just not possible. You’ve just hidden it.
The thing that looks mac like is called Objectdock. You can download a free version (what i’m using) off thier website, but it lacks some features (not many) of the plus version which costs $20. Google it.
There are better alternatives for Paint and Calc, both by Microsoft, in case you can’t find your XP CD.
About that Mac stuff.
I now use a G5 at work and I have to keep myself from becoming a Mac-addict.
Seriously, nice stuff.
I like hitting F9 for no particular reason.
I saw this being embedded in a linux system.
I hope it’ll be in Kubuntu soon :]
Back on topic:
I think having the option to delete IE would be wise idd.
Since it’s just a space keeper on my PC.
Firefox all the way baby.