Who's gonna clean that up?

The idea just popped up in my head. So I made it. Originally it was supposed to be some “killer” venus fly trap, but as you can see it turned in to a [insert name here] plant.:slight_smile:

(Click for full size)

Suggestions on where to go from here would be nice. C&C also welcome.

I like the texture on the stalks and the plant pot. I think the top of the plant pot needs to have more thickness and have the edges beveled so that it is not so subsurfed. The plant pot I would make clay colored and create a bump map on the brick texture since it so much in the foreground.

Hahaha, the buck teeth made me laugh. Nice concept.

Maybe the camera angle is strange, but it looks like the pot hangs on the wall. It is goot otherwise!
From now on, … maybe another predator - a dragonfly, and why not a fight between them?

I think that you should find another texture for the floor. The brick texture seems like a texture for a wall, not a floor. I know that bricks are used in walkways as well as walls, but that floor texture just looks a little off.

not only who, but how? they don’t have any hands.

Some small updates:
Changed expression on left plant’s face
Changed ground texture
Changed the lighting a smidge
Changed the pot’s color;slightly changed the shape


Looks better! I like the new texture on the ground. I mean, you don’t see brick on the ground very much anymore. Good Job!