I know that many of you want to make your stuff look photo-real. It’s trendy. “Final Fantasy” used it, and so many of you want to use it.
But really, why do you need it? If you needed photo-realism, you could go outside and do it, not just model it on a computer. So why model for hours just to get something that looks natural?
I think 3D suites were made because you wanted something that doesn’t exist. So why make it look like it does? Just so you can fool people? That’s a pretty stupid goal. You don’t need to fool people with an image, you’re supposed to make them suspend disbelief, and I’m pretty sure there’s a difference.
I brought up “Final Fantasy” earlier, and I think it makes a good point. It “bombed,” making something like $31 million, from a budget around $131 million. And you want to know why that happened when “Shrek,” another CGI film, made millions and has a sequel coming out soon despite the fact that it was a crappy movie, and “Final Fantasy” bombed and the closest it will ever have to a sequel is the recent “Final Flight Of The Osiris?” Simple. “Shrek” was obviously animated, and audiences knew it. So they took their kids to see it, and were delighted somehow with a film that wasn’t funny. “Final Fantasy,” however, was darker, PG-13, and above all, too realistic. The public probably thought that it was another overbloated CGI-fest, and while they were right on one count, they were wrong when they thought it was the usual “actors-fighting-aliens” thing.
Also, “Final Flight Of The Osiris” doesn’t fit into “The Animatrix.” The rest of “The Animatrix” is 2D, hand-drawn shorts. “Final Flight Of The Osiris” looks like it was made in live action. Thus, it looks like they’ve misplaced it into a collection of shorts entitled “The ANIMATrix.” It’s called that because it’s entirely animated, but if somebody doesn’t know that when they see “FFOTO,” they immediately think something’s wrong.
I’m not knocking photo-realism. I think it’s a cool idea to have a few people at least get fooled by thinking you’re showing them a photo. However, why do you need it so much?