Hi, not sure what I’m doing wrong. But i am trying to use a particle system to make a forest on my island. But for some reason when i set it up all the trees are floating instead of being on the ground?
Hi, your problem is the origin of the trees.
To fix that: select your trees (Icosphere.002), then you can see a small yellow dot floating between the trees, that is your origin. Now you have to move the origin to the trees.
Select the trees (Icosphere.002) , then Object --> Set Origin–> Origin to Geometry.
We are not finished, cause now the trees are stucked into the ground. To fix that you have to select your trees (Icosphere.002), go to Edit Mode and move the trees on the Z-axis so the Origin is in line of the bottom of the trees. That´s it.
Furthermore to have more control over a particle system, this is what you would normally do: Instead of combining three trees in one object, you would have three trees and would combine them to a collection ( m --> new collection ), so you can edit every tree individually and they would spread better than groups of three. If you do that, don´t forget to change collection in your particle system as well.
Hope this helps.
They are floating because the original objet you’re gonna instancing (icoshere.002) has its origin far from the base of the trees, so this empty space is instanced too.
To fix it, select the original object you’re gonna instancing (icosphere.002).
Go in Edit mode, select the vertices at the base of the 3 trees.
Shift+S > Cursor to selected
Go in Object mode (with the original object still selected obviously)
Press F3 > type “Set Origin” > Origin to 3d cursor