Why can't I edit post in Jobs?

I made a post in the jobs section, and after I found someone I went back to the post and wanted to edit it with # solved. there isn’t an edit button. Am I missing something?

Properly because you are a Trust Level 1 user: Basic Users… see

For Trust Level 2 users: Member there is also…

Edit their own posts for up to 30 days after posting

I think this was introduced in the forum software to make new users not to edit to much in the beginning…

( Also there should be a explicite solved :white_check_mark: marker… but i’m not sure about this in the jobs category. )

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okay makes sense. so I’m just not high enough level. So i just have to deal with new replies for a month before it auto shuts down the post I guess.

also, I don’t see any solved marker anywhere. That’s sort of why I posted here. Thanks for replying.

Closed and unlisted it for you


I just wanted to reply… there is someone else very fast here :wink:

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