I can’t get blender to navigate to remote folder locations, like for instance wanting to open a scene in a remote location.
On the other hand I can use the OS browser to navigate to a remote location, and double click on the blend file. The OS will then open blender, and blender will open the remote project and will also render the results in the remote location.
Why? Is there a secret way to open remote folders from within blender, or give it remote folders addresses for the render results?
Hi Eddie. I’m full time Linux. I don’t have any network places to explore, but if removable drives are mounted they show up under the System links on the open page. I don’t really know how to browse to remote locations, especially in Windows, but you might be able to bookmark them after clicking to open a file.
Thanks for your reply, and sorry for such a late answer.
You reply has helped me in finding the solution. I am also a linux user, and blender does not show my system bookmarks for whatever the reason. But I figured out how to create a bookmark by typing in the whopping address"/run/user/1000/gvfs/sftp:host=192.xxx.xxx.xxx,port=xxx,user=username/data/projectsfolder/". I can now open the remote folder from within blender. Wheee!