Why data transfer doesn't work during rendering?

I use data transfer for a smooth shadow
But for some reason the render doesn’t see it
I don’t know what to do in such a situation.
I have tested other modifiers and they work fine.
subfur with enabled mod Use custom normal works fine.

test body.blend (2.5 MB)

I disabled all modifiers except the one I needed.
I’m not the only one who sees the difference.

This problem only happens with this grid, there are no such problems with a simple cube.

Have you tried applying the modifier?

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What’s the point if I use this mesh for character animations?
And the modifier should always be on.

Not sure what we are looking at with that black and white image. Share a partial geometry scene to test it out.

Test it on 4.0.2. Looks like everything works as expected and data transfer are doesnt affact the render (cycles and eeve) only if i disable the “Render” settings of the modifier.

data transfer enabled

data transfer disabled

I dont do renders in blender, so i can only guess it may be some bug in older version (or scpecific versions)?

I have version 4.1 and 3.6
And the modifier doesn’t work only on this mesh.
On other objects it works as it should.

I think I figured out what the problem is.
The proxy mesh modifier is installed on the renderer. But it is disabled for the viewport.

Testing this directly within 3.6… ( when you are using 4.1.1)

but when activating Auto Smooth (whichis now a modifier in 4.x.y) … i get this zickizacki as you have on your render… so maybe you had this enabled before sending the file ??

…and… it’s a part of a femal body :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: