why do i feel i live in zombie land ?

nope, when a game thread reaches 5K and something like 200 :heart: , it’s not like nobody cares about my game. Most of people are interested, but i was saying it remains at the level of curiosity/voyeurism/boredom

You got a link? People who care probably dont have the skills to help. People who have the skills use them to make money, so they can feed themselves and their family and live under a roof.

@BD3D https://youtu.be/YTyQgwVvYyc

you didn’t get it either, as i say, it’s much wider than that.

i’m not arguing about the gym bro “alpha males” concept, i’m arguing about animal instinct, link between animal and human, evolution, natural selection, ect… that’s science. denying that we have animal instincts is denying evolution itself. (for ex, sex is a pure animal instinct, we don’t need this as human to survive (pleasure i mean) . men obsessed with ass and breast…ect, there’s nothing more primitive than that, but still, we follow the same rules as some vulgar animals)

Perhaps because people have seen 10,000 game projects come and go, and nobody sees any value in helping one mode doomed BGE project get a little farther before being abandoned.

BGE is a sinking ship, so don’t expect anyone to help you bail.

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it’s not like i did nothing so far… there’s lot of noobs who think they will make GTA7 when they put their hands on the Unreal engine

I get that you’ve worked hard on it, but all of your work could be replicated in a day or two using unity or unreal.

lol, i think you don’t know what a game is about . It’s not simply pushing on buttons to make the characters move in all direction. You need to work on the game system. Manage the commands input/output

Yes, and all of that is difficult in BGE. But it is not in other engines.

a game is a bunch of assets , a good game system ( commands input by the user / output of the AI) . It requires programmatic skills but even more a good conception mind. All that is independent from the game engine used.

nothing prevents the prject to switch to Unreal engine after.

Natural selection and evolution is an entirely random process. There’s no one group more apt to evolve than another.

The biggest mistake me make is taking personal preference, and assuming it’s the prime archetype of fitness, and thus more likely to survive the relentless winnowing evolutionary process. For example, it’s currently a thing to believe that the overly assertive dude who gets the girls, has the nice car, and the high paying job is the height of human evolution, that he’s the fittest destined to survive. But that’s just due to fickle societal standards, and our internal wiring.

The reality is that fitness is a random variable, and doesn’t necessarily have to look or seem fit to be so. A mutated superflu could sweep the world tomorrow, wiping out all the dude bro corporate executives, leaving the nebbish accountants to rule the world.

Evolution doesn’t care about how many chicks you’ve bagged. The slobby dude who’s had 4 kids with the only woman who showed any interest in him is actually more evolutionarily fit than the pick up artist who’s bagged dozens of chicks while burning his way through the club scene, then had a single kid when he decided to settle down. Why? Because his genetic material is more widely distributed.

The skinny guy who was never first pick for football ends up being more evolutionarily fit, because he didn’t break his neck playing football, and ended up having a couple of kids.

Same with the nebbish accountants above who survived the superflu. They just happened to have to right combination of genes to develop an immune system to survive that random event, and went on to spread their genetic code.

Natural selection, and survival of the fittest isn’t about being the best of breed. It’s about surviving random event X due to random variable Y, and we don’t have any idea which random variables are necessary for survival until the random event is upon us.

…and who we want to be, or who we want to **** isn’t necessarily a part of that process.


Heres a clip from my half assed game ive worked a fraction of the time on.


character + background + 5 buttons move up, down, left right, hit . There’s thousands of projects like that.

That being said, it looks cool . But it’s true you have good tools with Unity to go forward faster.

Well, you clearly didnt pay attention to the attacks, or the fact that the animations line up in a smooth way. But my main point is, your months of work could be done in literally a few days in a real game engine because a real game engine has all the inputs and systems set up.

As previously said, BGE is a sinking boat. There’s a reason the blender foundation has abandoned it. If you are serious about making a game, you should be using a different engine. 90% of what you’ve done is out of the box in a real game engine.

thanks for this cool answer :slight_smile:

Natural selection, and survival of the fittest isn’t about being the best of breed

It’s about surviving random event X due to random variable Y

I have to disagree, it’s all about survival of the “fittest”, it’s random, that’s totally true, but evolution still checks if X branch of this randomness was able to survive the best in Y environmental situation, during a Z amount of time.

And you pointed out the fact that evolution make strictly no sense in our society in diverse examples, that’s totally true, but what about the Z factor ? ten thousand years of human civilization is nothing compared to the birth of our survival mechanism (as in “any” life forms, not only human)

Men are still attracted to large mamar gland for feeding the offsprings, large hips for a better survival of the mother, redness as sign of fertility, friendly mom behaviors… super obvious things. you get it.
and still. this is an obvious mechanism, pillars of our over-sexualized society.

i might be wrong but i remember i played an Unity game (Slender 7 pages - made with Unity) and it was damn low fps even if the game was low poly , 2000’s like. That said, it can been improved since.

And as you bring the subject, I think that the fact the BGE is dead is not that important… Have you seen any indie game pushing the limits of any game engines ?

Also, youtube at the UPBGE Eevee project, seems promising

That has more to do with your computer hardware and perfomance optimization than anything else. A game doesnt have to be pushing limits to be good, but the tools you use do matter. Its like you’re trying to saw a table leg with a rock, when a hacksaw is laying right next to you, free to use. Why torture yourself with a rock?

Actual game engines already have good base input/output systems to build off of. They already have AI systems integrated.

I respect the community trying to update BGE, I think its the coolest thing that a bunch of people are banding together for something they’re passionate about.

I also do like the BGE itself because I think its a very effective way for teaching some of the basics of game logic and programming. It’s a great tool for educating children.

But if you’re serious about making a game, you should use the best tools you can. And you can’t be upset when people dont care about it. Just like you dont really care about other peoples game projects, they wont care about yours. People will like and comment on forums supporting you, because they’re supportive, and nice, but that doesnt mean they’re diehard passionate fans willing to put their all into your work. People have their own things going on.

well, it’s true i go directly to BGE without testing those heavy plane-carrier : UE and Unity. But if we can do the same in python with the bge … what’s the problem ? We can share it as a template after . No ?

There’s no point in reinventing the wheel a thousand times over. Work on the rest of the car.

yes, but once it’s done, it’s good for the BGE , no ? The problem of BGE was the lack of a core community working on assets and templates. It’s like everyone want to make their own game in their corner.

I take you an example , the animations. Unity and UE have animations packs . For the BGE, everyone waste time searching for some messy animations from different sources

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