I’m doing some research for the Blender websites integration, looking at the tasks the people use it for most, in order to streamline and organise it. So I’ll keep it concise:
As existing users of Blender, what goals do you have in mind when you visit blender.org or blender3d.org?
To see what new render ideas the men behind the curtain think up.
And to flame noobs into redirecting their posts to elYsiun. (they really should, with such searchable questions). And to get the newest CVS of course.
I generally stop by to grab the latest minor/major version realease (i.e. 2.33, 2.34, 3.0…hehe), to grab links for those who can’t look for themselves (lazies, non-googlers etc.) and to checkout gallery pages, development gallery pages, info on the latest release, resources like textures, sounds and scripts, and links to other 3d websites.
Not many people look around blender3d.org, but it’s where I always refer people when they’re new to blender.
Thanks to whoever works on it, it’s a great site!
The current blender3d.org is fine IMAO. I think that the best thing you could do though is make sure people know that elysiun.com is the place for artist-to-artist interaction on the forum level.
Elysiun is what needs a make over, it also needs the stuff like galleries and tutorials to be updated. It would help a lot IMO.
Well, i’m rely used to the use of the two website:
–blender.org, developer.
-i look at the fresh news.
-i do a little visit in the forum, to see some coding prject on the way and to see some future plan.
-look CVS commit. blender-bf and tuhopuu
-look bf-committer mailling list for even more fresh news.
-if very interesting update is in the CVS, and there is no new CVS build, i may find the time to build and put up one…
–Blender3d.org, Official portal.
-before the CMS, i was looking at this site once in 3 months, mean at the release time.
-now i like the new online doc and ref, the infocenter is a major argument why i still visit this website too.
i realy thing a merge of these two website could give something great. But this will require a bigger server. The 2.33 release just killed blender.org in less than 12 h
I originally joined blender.org because i figured i could squeeze some blender knowledge out of the developers, and though I eventually found that i can learn far more here, I still like to keep up with the development end of it, and have the opportunity to have a say in the direction it takes. And of course it’s nice to always have an available build of the latest CVS.
Instead of there being lots of links to user sites where elysiun in one of them, make elysiun THE user forum. It would be nice to see the following links on blender3d.com:
This way there would be no question what forum people should visit. Newbies would never accidentially ask questions on blender.org (something which is very common and understandible. How on earth could they know?).
Also, I find the news system odd. The news on blender.org is not strictly developer minded, making the destiction between the two sites very confusing. If the news and everything else could be integrated into blender3d.com it would be so much cleaner.
Thanks for the responses, it’s helpful! Don’t stop, now…
Gabio: Well the two sites are running on the same server at the present anyway, so the load won’t change. Ton is getting hold of an extra server now too.
Monkeyboi: The project of integration has already begun (albeit at an early stage), that’s what this research is about