Why does Eevee have this weird light falloff

I’ve been working on my project and wanted to see how its looking so far but i noticed that eevee gives weird light falloff and I cant figure out why. I tried increasing number of samples, changing shadows setting, different properties of the light, adding resolutions and nothing worked. Why is this happening and is there a way to fix this ?
Here is small demostrations scene:

Here is enhanced picture so you can see it better:

Could you share your scene only with the ground?

you mean like this ?

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This is most likely caused by gradient color banding: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colour_banding

Try increasing dither value: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/render/output/settings.html?highlight=dither#post-processing-panel

Also note what when saving into .jpg you lose a lot of color data, don’t use this format if you intend to do compositing later. Use at least 8 bit png or even better 16 bit png / exr files, they are better for compositing since they are lossless (at cost of much bigger file size though).

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I meant sharing .blend file actually but nevermind, you seem to found your solution :upside_down_face: .

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This helped surprisingly well. Thank you. :slight_smile:

You could also render 16 bit png and then convert it to 8 bit in GIMP. It looks nice as well.