Why does object rotation get locked?

I wondering if anyone can tell me why my objects stop being rotatable in Object Edit context. It seems to be related to having IPOs existing but im not sure. I can still rotate the objects using IPOs but not with the object edit tools. I can however translate the objects, just not rotate.


What exactly is the problem? When you hit RKey, does the object not rotate at all? Or does it rotate, then go back to where it was, say, when you change frames?

If it’s not rotating at all, I’m not sure what’s wrong. It could be that you have a constraint on the object, like Track To or Copy Rotation, that would prevent manual rotation of the object.

It’s hard to imagine that you would have locked the rotation by accident, but also check the Transform Properties panel (NKey in the 3D view) and make sure the rotation channels aren’t locked.

If the object rotates, then snaps back, it’s related to your IPO data. You have keyframes in place that define rotation for the object on at least one frame, and any rotating you do needs to be keyed into your IPO, or else it won’t “keep.”

I don’t know how complex your scene is, so I’m sure there’s stuff that I’m not thinking of. If there’s still a problem, try uploading a .blend file that shows what’s wrong.

You may accidentally have turned on “Move Object Centers Only” button in the header. It’s next to the pivot point selection menu.

Thanks CD38 you had it right!

I’ve been at this a few months and never touched that button…or so I thought.
