it happens alot, I move around the vertices to make the normal face
but sometimes it takes much tweaking. How can I avoid this? It looks like
a criscross instaed of a flat face.
it happens alot, I move around the vertices to make the normal face
but sometimes it takes much tweaking. How can I avoid this? It looks like
a criscross instaed of a flat face.
Ummmmm . . . not really sure what you mean. Can you post a picture? Ctrl-f3 will save the window your mouse is over, and there’s an attachment feature on the forum here (hit go advanced on a reply).
if the face is criss-cross, just delete the Face. then select the four vertices and press F to create a new one. They criss cross when you have swapped the bottom vertices by accident.
Take off the subsurf cage, show the polygon cage instead and all shall be revealed.
Roger, I do delete the face only to have it happen over and over again. I fix it by pulling one vertice far away then making a face, then puttung the vertice back to it’s orginal position. The problem is it takes much time when it happens so often. I was hoping to avoid it completely.
Have you tried deleting the face then recalculating all normals outside using ctrl + N ? I cant seem to recreate this problem…
I only have it happen to me when I edit a mesh NOT in one of the orthographic modes. When I “free model” in perspective mode, I have found that dragging a vertex left is really dragging it down and out, and so it gets horribly mis-aligned with it’s face partners. Try editing ONLY in one of the 6 orthographic modes (top, front, side, bottom, back or r-side). It is the only way that I can keep straight in my mind what the mesh would look like in the real world; the only way I can visualize the extruding that I am doing. Other than that, I dont know cause I cannot watch you do it so I cant say what not to do. sorry.