Why does V2.49b run fine, but v 2.56 is slow as **** (some setting maybe?)

Is there some setting to enable my graphics card that i have missed?

Ive ran the previous 2.49 version and that was fine but the new 2.5 builds run so slow i can hardly rotate a scene with one one cube in it… (my system is more than capable to run blender)

any ideas?

In the preferences window, under the system tab, try changing the window draw method and check VBO’s. Hope that helps

Yes, and a few system specs would be helpful to help you.

Cheers mib

I’m having a problem with two pieces of software running GLSL shaders and VBOs checked. They closed my bug report a long time ago when I brought it up, but I’m starting to think it’s a graphics card issue rather than 3D software issue. Don’t know why this would be, since I’m running an ATi HD 5770 1GB vid ram and latest drivers. Direct X 10 and 11 scream, but OpenGL lags to the point that in multi-texture shading I can tumble a 300k poly object at 179+ fps but going to GLSL only about 19 fps. Haven’t found a solution yet and have been searching for months.