Why doesn't "edge crease" work?

I’m using 2.41 and am trying to put a sharp edge on a smooth mesh. I followed the documentation, my crease shows in the properties window and as a heavy line in Edit mode, but when I look at my model in the Game Engine, it’s still smooth? I searched past posts and found one other thread complaining about the same problem with 2.40, but I couldn’t determine from that thread if it was a bug or not?

Can anyone help? Thanks!

Is the mesh being used SubSurfed? I’m pretty sure that Edge Creases only function in connection with this modifier.

I don’t know much about the Game Engine . . . so if the problem is related to that, hopefully someone else can help.

As far as I know creasing only works with subsurf which doesn’t work in the game engine.

It works with smooth too, but yeah, not in game engine.

So how do you put a crease in a surface in Blender for the Game Engine? This is the first time I’m trying to “tweak” a mesh in Blender, I’ve always used Silo or Carrara for this in the past. But now that my model has logic blocks, parents, etc. etc., I’d rather do the tweaking in Blender.


the simplest solution is to make a loopcut near the edge you want to be sharp, and move the resulting edge allmost to the same location.