Hi everyone. Copy and paste this code in blender text editor. Run the script…
Can anyone explain to me why this fails with
“AttributeError: ‘RegionView3D’ object has no attribute ‘view_rotation’” ? :mad:
This stopped working in one of the recent builds, but I’ve been unable to find a solution
import bpy
for s in bpy.context.window.screen.areas:
if s.type=="VIEW_3D":
print('VIEW_3D was found')
#arbitrary values for rotation
viewRot = tuple((0.8001033067703247, -0.46193987131118774, -0.19134169816970825, -0.3314135670661926))
spaceIndex = -1
for sr in s.spaces:
spaceIndex += 1
if sr.type == 'VIEW_3D':
s.spaces[spaceIndex].region_3d.view_rotation = viewRot
I would really appreciate help on this…
Best regards