"Why I Deleted All of My Social Media and 60,000 Followers"

In the case of the above article, I can understand using the opportunity to tell a cautionary tale, but yeah. I’m sure we’ve all had that Facebook friend that felt the need to announce the deletion of their account. I’ve also had a Facebook “friend” announce that they were going to delete everyone that doesn’t respond with a good reason to keep them…

My response was


This is a great topic, and some great points are being crystallised, the likes and dislike issue on social media is one I would like to address along with the subscriber/ follower issue.

The like and dislike feature can be used to enhance your product and in some instances make you evaluate your opinions…

Here’s a real world example, I’m trying to create a online following on Youtube to promote my Blender tutorial channel “Blender Ninja” shameless plug, if I get a high number of dislikes on my videos my first reaction is too take it personally, spit the dummy out etcetera, but after I have rationalised that emotion and put it in the trash where it belongs I try and analyse what I did wrong and it’s usually because I’m rambling on a bit too much or the video is not clear and concise enough I then take steps to address it…

Socrates or Plato can’t remember which, said “Bring me your failures not your successes.”

Having followers or subscribers is not something in my view one should dis-abandon on a whim, having a platform is great, it’s why politicians and corporations take notice of the count, they understand, having a platform equals influence, whether that be social or economic and so should you.

I think the key point in dealing with social media, is not too run away from it, but too embrace it, albeit at arms length, control it don’t let it control you develop strong habits, resist the urge to post a picture of your latest meal or check on your posts every five minutes, put your phone on silent at the start of the day and answer the notifications at the end of your day or better still end of the week, if your not running a business and criticism of your product is not needed, turn off the likes and dislike filter…If someone has a issue with something you post in your personal life they can vocalise there response,and you can take steps to address it or ignore it…and last but not least instead of texting a friend or saying hi on Facebook, get off your fat arse and visit them.


exactly, at a certain point … and it depends on the individual willpower, it becomes a whole: either you align yourself with mass opinions and then sometimes you censor yourself or decide to be strong and challenge the great collective demiurge … and express your opinions even if they are not appreciated …
it becomes clear that you have to be strong if you are more empathic people, This kind of world is very comfortable for people who have almost no empathy, and whatever they post or write flows all over him like water …

Honestly in the last few months, I felt this kind of weight also in this type of forum where there are the likes and there are the flags:
there was a period when there were easy flags and people had too high a degree of rigidity …
I believe, however, that there is really a kind of collective consciousness where everyone is connected, that makes us act almost all the same way in an unconscious way when we act for the collective …
I say this because strangely that phenomenon of too much stiffness on the “off-topic” has now almost disappeared, people are much more relaxed … or at least this I found in my experience

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Facebook is mind-control.
Is anybody really believing the story that Mark Zuckerberg build his empire from nothing?
I don’t. There is and always was a strong connection between the Boston Elites and the (Millitary) Intelligence community.
Facebook is an deliberate attack on the concept of privacy and it is also used to create systems like neural networks to profile human behavior with the ultimate goal of influencing human behavior.
People learned nothing from history, while they are aware what the secret police of the 3rd Reich, the Soviet Union or the STASI was doing, but then they proceed to make an facebook account and upload all their private data to the “cloud”.
Modern people are unbelievable stupid and naive. :nauseated_face:


Incase you missed it…

another interesting video from one of the pioneers of VR

I am less conspiracy theory and more reasonably I think it is something new that appears for the first time in this reality, something that nobody really has in control, if not a real collective consciousness that is now maturing … in the sense that we are learning collectively how it works and the individuals who correct themselves, they work on the mass functioning, of course, some government and religious bodies try to put this phenomenon under control, but I believe that the mass and the mass of collective energy in act is something that acts independently and it is much more powerful than any government agency that tries to harness and control this force … we could say that it is a form of “god or demiurge”, that we must learn to know and know how to interact so as not to succumb :slight_smile:

reasoning is a consequence matured by the very nature of technology that many can reach many, in practice a neuronal connection … which is now harmonizing …

the previous technologies, books, radio and television … were a sort of communication where few put their vision to many who were passively molded … and here with the radio and the first cineteche … were born phenomena of mass governments, fascism, nazism, communism … without the technology of their times, these forms of phenomena could not exist …
now we are in a totally new dimension …

after the era of the power of the television organizations is over …
now we are many that we respond to many, and if one wants to make the new dictator or leader, it can also do it … but the mass answers you in a tone if you say or do crap … so even the upper floors in this sense , they are becoming democratic …
and everything from top to bottom harmonizes …
and after these 10 years of social networks, in which the collective child was a baby … now he starts to become a teenager, and you’ll see that all the big corporations trying to control him will all be resized, because this “demiurge” is sentient, and through the mass he will ignore them and send them into bankruptcy … as I believe it is starting to happen …

I am not pretending that i have any proof about a conspiracy, so the term theory fits perfectly, even tough i despise the term in general.
Conspiracies are the norm if you look at history. There is nothing unreasonable to suggest that people in power conspire against the common man. I would say its unreasonable to suggest the opposite when looking at the historical evidence.

Good catch with the “demiurge”. But i don’t see it as optimistic as you. Unleashing the unconscious collective powers of the human mind can easily go sideways.
A good example are the Fascist. People think that the Fascist where a political power faction dabbling in occultism.
I would say the opposite is true, the Fascist where an occult faction dabbling in politics. They took the repressed unconscious desire of the German people and weaponized it, and we all know how that worked out. This was no accident. The Russians and the Americans took everything they could from the Nazi’s and then they perfected it.
They tell us that magic and occultism is fairy tales and fantasy, but why the fuck did they spent billions on research up to this day following the same principles the Nazis used?
Operation Paperclip, MK Ultra etc…
All the military intelligence agencies have one foot in science and one foot in occultism and that makes them 2 times as dangerous.
I don’t want to go too far off an tangent, but i believe the world is a much more “magical” place than most modern people would like to admit. And the “dark” side always plays both sides of the political spectrum.

The internet was a power that could equalize the power gap in-between people and free them. It is no longer that, but an instrument for dissent.

somehow, when I say that we are moving to a collective adolescent phase, I am not opposing you, on the contrary, it is precisely by becoming aware of these “occult” phenomena that the masses learn to return to the senders their obscurities and nightmares … and that’s how everything now starts to harmonize …
only by knowing deeply the darkness, this collective child will go on trivializing it and de-dramatizing it and opening itself up to a totally new world where all the energies will flow in harmony without stagnant lumps and blocks of power
at least this seems to me to guess that little by little will start to happen

The thing is i don’t see people doing it. Therefore i am pessimistic. People are obsessed with light and projecting their darkness on other people. See the whole SJW phenomenon as an example.
IMHO Christianity and Islam does humanity no favor by putting a taboo on the darkness in all of us.
I am no fan of Jordan Peterson but i agree with him (and Jung) when it comes to facing the dark.
He said something like: If you want to grasp the heavens, your roots must go as deep as hell.
Doing shadow work is no easy feat and all the distraction in modern life doesn’t help.
Its way easier to point the finger at other people.

I agree with you, but my pessimistic worldview tells me that humanity is still far far away from collective adolescence. We are still babies throwing one tantrum after another.

PS: Nina Paley’s work is awesome. :+1:

my optimism derives from the fact that technology which is a metaphor of the evolution of consciousness, is a phenomenon in continuous acceleration, and therefore due to its intrinsic highly communicative nature it is equally influential when there are the right keywords …
We are no longer in the last centuries, that for centuries the maturation of revolutions took many generations …

And finally I’m a big fan of William Gibson :smile: )

I am not gonna try to talk you out of your optimism. I HOPE YOU ARE RIGHT and i am wrong.
I am gonna ignore that one hour interview of one of my favorite authors because it will push me on an nostalgia trip and i might start reading Neuromancer again (and i have other plans).

hahaha you are alarmed by the dystopian version of the future…
"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel."

but if you think about it, the most beautiful stories, without a little spirit of adventure and some danger do not work ^ ___ ^

… reality is more a mix of things in continuous transformation, something old withers and something new is born :slight_smile:

(five minutes of good nostalgy here)

On recent discussion, Facebook and other tech. companies are heading into territory where they literally become the companies that nobody likes.

Those who lean progressive despise the tech industry’s concerted effort to extract as much information from you as possible so as to sell it to advertisers, to the point of even spying on you and subjecting you to surveillance away from your PC through the concept of smart-home products.

Those who lean conservative meanwhile talk about how the tech. companies actively work to stifle the airing of their views and concerns simply because the Silicon-Valley executives disagree with them. In some cases, it seems like the companies come together to launch a coordinated assault on certain people.

It doesn’t matter where your worldview lands, Facebook and friends have something offensive and unethical for everyone.

And what’s the alternative, people just letting their darkness come out of them has led to terrible atrocities in the past. Do we want to promote that?

Yes, true, but you too have a great weapon available … just turn them off

and just in case it should be necessary, we also enter the stealth mode and start playing hahah

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psychology 101: If you repress something it comes back with a vengeance.

Its not about letting it out, its about facing the truth that we are all made up of light and dark, and then slowly trying to shine a light on the darkness and incorporating it by pulling it into the light.
Who is the better person? The one who knows the darkness inside and keeps it under control or the one who pretends he/she is all light?
People who don’t know that they are dangerous are even more dangerous because they have no control over it, when they get pushed too far all the darkness comes out in an uncontrolled burst.


I’d have a different opinion if not for the forum rules on religious material, but let’s say it deals with casting out darkness rather than incorporating it. I can also say that I’m not that confident in today’s psychology science, not only in terms of what they are referring to as normal and abnormal, but also what they now refer to as potentially something that needs to be “fixed” with medication.

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Fair enough.
Incorporating might be the wrong word - transformation might be a better word to describe what i mean.
And i totally get you when it comes to psychology/psychiatry and “fixing” stuff with medication (vs healing), which interestingly has the side effect of making huge pharma companies rich (but keeps the patient in an limbo). An perpetual wallet, so to speak.
Always stay vigilant.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

But also, let’s face it – give people a “bully pulpit” that reaches the planet and instantly they’re the most important people on that planet. The Internet, and their actually-tiny chat room, is somehow going to change the universe. That’s the sort of psychology that this stuff can bring out.

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The interesting thing compared to the past, before the internet and more before the social network era, was that since there were large media where everyone more or less informed the world, maybe there were big factions, but no more than 3-4, and then there was roughly the same global vision of the universe … and its oppositions …
Now the universes and ubiquities of visions of the universe are multiplying by how many people or groups they belong to, and here they start to become more and more varied, but inevitably much smaller and more fragmented, and therefore the ability that a “tribe” prevailed on another, it is always less, in this flow of thoughts in continuous transformation, and then the conflicts and solutions become almost instantaneous and therefore so small to play down (and with this I reconnect to the first video I posted on in metaphor with strange attractors and butterfly effects)

There is little to do, we must get used to and adapt to this point of no return, it is something that history has never had to do before.
And this will lead to great changes even in the physical world very soon, but in a way that will also appear natural, because the changes are “atomic” piece by piece in the unconscious of every single person who arrives at these unveiled ubiquitous universes.
to make a comparison, we could meet in a room with 8-10 people who have a perception of the universe that varies 8-10 times … certainly it happened even before, but the difference in vision was much less marked …

At the core, everything will be reduced to more or less fair exchanges of energies, there will be little “Points of catalysis and simple followers that revolve around that Sun” or even yes, there will be, (because there will always be more intelligent people or more efficient) but these various Suns will intersect their “followers” which in turn could be other Sun, with totally different intersections, with parts of totally different universes, that somehow intersect with a certain community of interests … sets and points in common of more points of interests …
In this perspective for greater forces, in the long run it will be successful collaboration between the various individuals and groups rather than acting in a sense of challenge and competition … because it is intrinsic in the system, they are single that form a multitude that have the power to communicate to many many …

Interesting perspectives for the future … I like to keep up with the transformations.