Why is Boolean modifier -> difference not working as expected?

This is driving me crazy… I have 2 objects like this:

And all I want to do is to cut out the selected object (object1) from the other object (object2). Both are meshes.

So I’m doing:

  • Select object2
  • Add modifier → Boolean → Difference
  • Select object1

And against my expectations, the result is just object1:

What am I doing wrong? I’m using Blender 4.2

Boolean.blend (1.0 MB)

The geometry of your 2 objects is not ideal.
I’ve redone them quickly to give you an idea:
Boolean-picto.blend (934.2 KB)

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You didn’t played with the options ?? No geometry change, only viewport visibility and options…

That doesn’t improve the geometry though.

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Well… applying it does the usual boolean… “thingies”…

so someone may have to clean this for further use. But the initial request was to save the OP from madness ??

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Very often, boolean thingies come from poorly prepared geometry.

Yepp… that’s also why very often some construction of the wanted result might be even better than a boolean because the afterwork might be more than the preperation… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: