Hi, this is my very first time using blender so sorry if this is a dumb question.
I was just messing around with a free shrek model I found on the internet and when I tried rendering my project, the only thing I get is a pitch black mesh. I’m not sure whether this is simply because I don’t have a option selected properly or if its because of the roof above its head.
If anyone could give me some insight it would be greatly appreciated, I’ve been stuck on this for multiple hours
This first image is using Viewport: material preview
And the second image is Viewport: Rendered
Not exactly, after testing a bit more, on a new project that has no animation on it, it seems like the map has some impact on it. My model is completely able to load in Viewport: Rendered mode on its own. One thing that I noticed different was on its own, the model has a background of gray while on the map the background is black
newcomers in the forum often show the results of their trials to the community instead of the scene settings, shader nodes or any composition settings… and of course they participate the first time here so they often can’t upload sometihing…
…so you used links and then was on the forum long enough to post an image
…but then… it’s simply very hard to give some tips if there isn’t much to see… (and you don’t need your composite nodes at all)
So you may try to show us some of this or simplf your scene… try to pack the External Data → Pack Resources and save it with compression ( file selector top right …) to get under 5MB…
One guess: it could be inverted normals… (but i doubt this…)… any "reaction to light disabled… also waht engine…
Hey again, I still haven’t been on this form long enough to post images, I just copy and pasted them to post those images earlier, I tried packing resources and get it under 5mb but I wasn’t able to. I uploaded the file to google drive since I still cannot upload files to here https://drive.google.com/file/d/138P8sF-8mEGMWy0adwKQUVbBb3UW8dAV/view?usp=sharing and the engine I am using is eevee.
(let me know if the file doesn’t work)
Thank you again for your help
oh yes… cycles works… but htere is something about this for eevee… hmmm if i change the shader
for the shirt materrial to simple diffuse () an dbecaus eth etexture si also white ) i can seee a glimpse of it …
I thing it has somethign to to with the illumination for EEVEE… the suns don’t illumniate the scene but the emmission for the lamp texture does… not good in eevvee… (i usually use cycles…) somethign about Screen Space Reflection… when turned on the feed start to “glow” (??)…
also if i add a new principled shader and connect teh tecture ir shows the shirt
And by the way: the trousers do have inverted normals…