Why isn't subsurf applying properly?

Subsurf continues to behave normally in the x and z axes, but has no effect on the y axis of this model. It’s a tutorial, Modeling an Electric Guitar on Blender Cookie. I extruded the outer edge loop along the y axis to make the thickness, duplicated an edge loop from the front of the guitar to make an inner ring on the back and then created faces to join the two. I’ve tried it a few times. The corner just won’t smooth out. Adding edge loops didn’t help, i’ve checked for doubles. What is it?

Have you added a crease value to the edge ?

Upload your blend file to http://www.pasteall.org/blend/ and tell us the download link

Here you go. Interesting service.
No, no crease value, unless there is some way to do that by accident… I don’t even know how to check…

Select all vertices (A) and remove doubles (W / remove doubles)

You have duplicated vertices on this edge loop. Select a vertex and move it to see

You know, i’ve tried to get rid of that once already. Tried removing doubles, it said there were none. Deleted that loop and did it over, reconnected all those faces.
I’ll try doing it again. I saw it, but i’d just gotten rid of it, so i thought there was something else going on.

Alright, it is indeed responding this time, but i don’t know what is different. I thought i did the same thing just a while ago… And it did the same thing i think three separate times. I guess i did something funky when i extruded it, created a double in the process or something. 3 times.
Thanks for your help.

Surprising how often people (maybe not in this case, but regularly) skip the first step that Richard mentioned - select all (A),or apply it when something is already selected, thereby actually DEselecting all, and then apply ‘Remove Doubles’. Only doubles that are selected are removed by this command…

I would guess that this might have happened the other times you tried it. Other methods of selection like the lasso or box will not select elements hidden behind other elements in the default visibility modes, so the select all (A) is the only sure way to go.