why jaggies where 2 surfaces meet

why is it that almost always where 2 surfaces meet, you see jaggies upon rendering?

I can see if one surface just meets another and there might be 2 edges at exactly the same spot.

but I also get this sometimes when I make the one surface extend beyond/below/above the second one, or even sometimes on the same actual piece of geometry, which has 1 surface on 1 face, and another surface on another face and they meet together at an edge.

what’s the fix?

cranking the anti-aliasing value does not remedy this. the attached jpg shows what I mean.

thank you for any clues.



I’m not exactly sure what you’re talking about, could you please attach a .blend?

im no expert on this but you seem to be talking about z-fighting, i believe this is caused by the gpu trying to decide which part of which face to render when they occupy the same space, or are at the same z-distance from the viewer. This can vary alot depending on your gpu. Does this happen in 3d view, blender render, or game engine? i suggest you check which open gl you gpu supports and check for new drivers and perhaps blender has settings for 3d view at least in user preferences, im not sure.
hope this helps :slight_smile:

thank you, iisthphir;

what you describe feels like what’s happening…I don’t see a problem in 3D view while I’m working with my model; I see it after I hit an F12 Render, and the jaggies show up in the finished image. I’m using OS X and not sure what control I have over which open GL I can use…I suspect it’s whatever’s wired into OS X.

Until/Unless I can get some resolution there, are there any workarounds I can try other than ones I’ve tried?



Well i dont think it could have anything to do with openGL if it only shows up in blender renders, however it could possibly have to do with hardware. If you have access to another computer try rendering on that and see if its ok. only other thing i can think of is try playing with some of the render settings, i believe theres a z-buffer setting, might be a place to start.
If thats no good i think theres already a couple threads about this on the forum, maybe you should do a search for z-fighting or z-sorting.
Theres also the fairly small posibility theres a bug, i think all the render systems are mainly finished and very stable but i have no idea about recent builds for osx. try grabbing a stable bf release 2.53.0 r31507 is built.
hope you can get it sorted :slight_smile:

Your kidding right? The jaggedness is just caused by the screen, it’s not the model…

good suggestions, all, iisthphir…I will try your suggestions, including grabbing a more recent version of Blender than I’m using.


Actually there is no kidding at all.

In the same scene, there are lots of other instances where two faces meet, and the resulting line is as crisp and jaggy-free as you could want. Clearly there is an issue with this spot and some others where 2 faces meet.


It’s because it’s a diagonal line being made out of squares(pixels).

wha? you cant even really tell tha pics too small.you mean the actual size of pixels? well if thas the case just crank up the resolution :slight_smile: but it seemed pretty clear raycat was talking about z-fighting “where 2 surfaces meat” was specified as the problem. doesnt really look like pixels to me but please post a bigger pic if possible.

What I mean is if you look at a curve or diagonal line on a computer screen it’s jagged just because it has to be made out of pixels.

while that is true, 2 things alleviate that:

  1. sufficient resolution to “fool” the eye into thinking the edge is crisp and straight

  2. anti-aliasing

in a scene where all other edges and intersections are crisp, only certain ones are not and I think the issue of “z-fighting” is probably where the answer lies.


It’s difficult to tell given what must be a record for the smallest attached image ever seen on these forums and no attached blend file which would most likely yield a quick definitive reason for these ‘jaggies’

OK…My bad…here is a link to a zippped blend file showing the two objects…the jaggies occur where the darker, top object rests on the lighter one below.

in the file, you can see how I tried to make the “floor” object just a tad higher than the absolute bottom off the object above it. I got jaggies before doing so as well.



Got nothing. Went to higher resolution and had it working once. Put it in full HD and noticed the pixel aspect ratio was 3:2 and then changed it to 1:1 and had success, reopened the file and did it again and got the aliasing. I think that’s the problem, normal aliasing of an object at an angle defined by a matrix of square pixels like rvngizswt was saying.

Full sample anti-aliasing set at 11 worked to clean it up.

in my scene, the aspect ratio says that X and Y are both 100%…is there some other spot you’re seeing the settings you described?


ok not quite sure if this is what your talking about but there is z-sorting in top view the bottom left corner of the square has a strange artifact, very strange since its not touching anything and if you pointa cammera at it it didsappears, nayway just delete the face and recreate it fixes that. aobut the rest i cant see any z-fighting anywhere else turn up antialiasing helps or increase resolution, im not sure if its just my imagination but that scene does seem to have very prominent aliasing, maybe its just the colour scheme. Even if i render at 2560x1600 (native resolution so its works) and 16 sample antialiasing it looks very aliased even if i zoom out, this strange.

delete which face, tho? the floor, or one of the sides of the object resting on the floor?

any clue how this thing got to be wierd in the first place?

I appreciate your looking at the file I posted…


i only saw a problem on the square plane below the hexagonal object. in top view on the bottom left corner in 3d view. there is only one face on that object i think, i have no idea why its there in the first place, some lurking bug. just delete the face and create new one, it worked for me. though that artifact was not showing up in renders for me. is that the problem your refering to? the only thing i can see with renders is a lot of aliasing.

Yeah I noticed that too, and when I changed it to full HD the aspect ratio changed for some reason. Maybe it pulled the info from the frame aspect ratio of the original size, which it shouldn’t have done. It’s weird how one setting used a percentage and the others used a number value. This may be a Blender quirk or something, because when you shift from one set of matrix size to another, the pixel aspect ratio should stay the same.