Why no thumbnail preview for image texture node?

I have a lot of image texture nodes in the shader editor . How can i see the content of these nodes ? there’s no preview/thumbnail just like image node in compositing. So i have to check it in image editor. Is there any better way to do it ?

Did you solved this issue, i got same thing in a file. Almost none of them have previews, just a couple i manually reloaded. Reloading them with a loop in bpy.data.images doesnt work.

I know wrote a little operator i added in the image menu under UV editor. After running this operator they do show. It seems the preview will only reload if the image is physically visible in the editor.

import bpy

class ImageTextures_OT_Reload(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "image_textures.reload"
    bl_label = "Reload Iterative"
    bl_description = "Reload iterative"

    def execute(self, context):
        for image in bpy.data.images:
            for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
                if area.type == 'IMAGE_EDITOR':
                    img_list = list(bpy.data.images)
                    img = context.space_data.image
                    if img in img_list:
                        id = img_list.index(img)
                    if id+1 < len(img_list):
                        context.space_data.image = img_list[id+1]
                        print(image.name+"- Id: "+str(id+1))
                        print("img reloaded")

def img_tex_reload(self, context):

Dang hahaha after i check my code, i went on and deleted all data block previews. Now suddenly all previews do start to load by Blender?!?!?

haha well i got a new forced preview generator now :wink: