Why no Zbuffer saving in Blender?

A I see orange blender now can save zbuffer with OpenEXR file, and it works. Now we just need update of deepblur sequencer plugin to read this data to get zblur.

I added the capability to save a 32bit .png “snapshot” of the zbuffer to zutilz…with the ability to add it back to a prerendered image…I thought that it was a great idea but apparently no one else did…

Errr need tutorials for this kind of stuff, it’s pro users that dont have time to keep searching froums for random answers and dont know such and such a feature exsits …

But it would still need to be added as animation as well

It just so happens that Sony is leading an initiative to do just this:


It’s an XML schema for storing digital assets (read: 3d graphics). Very cool.

– Early Ehlinger, President, ResPower, Inc.

well method is use is like those great dudes in Belgium who used blender in their Feature. Set mist with no lights, save it as an image and you’ve got depth pass. But if you specifically need a Zbuffer thing, then its over my head hehe. Just incase this hasn’t been stated thought I’d sahre it (hadnt read all replies fully sorry!)

Peace out!


Hey presto:


Ok… But how do you extract these ?? I need the zdepth only for a composite for another program/ And render passes is still missing… I know Ton wants to update bugs before he commits it, but I thought the whole point of Orange and features was to let everyone deal with the new features however they may be …

Welps, you can download a testing build from the blender.org/forum testing builds forum, or you can wait for the next official release that will happen in a few weeks (orange dvd release).


Err ya know I run on testing builds :stuck_out_tongue:

I exported with buttons for zdepth turned on, imported to photoshop and after effects No dice… all it is one washed out image.

Please please can someone higher up kinda presure ton to add in render passes ? It is the only way I can see that exr would show the zdepth… and amoung other passes that need to be re edited for compostieing…

Kinda like Orange releases the DVD with all of the stuff on it but forgets to release the one feature that give major power to render out the post graphics for it… Sorry if I sound winey ,it’s just that one featur that has always been missing from blender forever :stuck_out_tongue:

You sure you don’t have your camera clipping range too high? If the range is too high then the image has quite low contrast.