why not ressurrect old threads?

Hi guys its a culture in the internet forums around the world to not touch in threads older than say six months, one year whatever, i ask why? i dont see a point in not answering unanswered questions, or even raising a question that wasnt asnwered, if its like so why not delete those threads or lock them like cgtalk does after one year of nobody posting, sometimes you guys act like for inercia, you only do what someone said cause you dont know, and i posted it here rather than website & forum cause i wanted this to be discussed, if you dont feel like it move it from here admins.

Oftentimes the same question(s) have been asked over and over again so, unless the person asking the question (i.e. the original poster) insists by posting about it again, it most likely means he/she has already found that it’s been answered already.

That is already being done. Threads older than a year (or is it 13 months?) are locked.

I think that auto-lock is a feature that is being implemented into the forums…
I had thought it was already here(since the new design) but I guess not…
EDIT: crap, beaten to it…

this question belongs to support section