Why does Blender save a .blend1 file?

Why does blender save a .blend1 file everytime I save a file ? Is it trying to do a backup ? If so why do it immediately AFTER I click save and not before or during the session ? What a source of utter annoyance !

Why the F do users never read the Blender manual, where this very function and how to disable it is explained? What a source of utter annoyance!

Hint: Look for “Save Versions” in the Save & Load section.


Blend1,2,3 etc. files are incrementals from previous saves and not automatic backsups (which are placed in your temp folder, not the blend directory). Incredibly convenient when you just realized you deleted the wrong object yesterday, three saves ago.

This means you don’t have to manually increment a save if you feel unsure about re-saving it. In fact, doing so only bloats your directory with more incrementals.

I just login to like your post :joy::joy:

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Why the F do you care?

Are you trying to use that file or something?